math math-format
Specify Jordan Form
randRangeNonZero(-8,8) randRangeExclude(-8,8,[0,L1]) randFromArray([L1,L2]) L1 0 0 L3 0 0 L2

The matrix J= \begin{pmatrix} A11 & \ast & A13 \\ A21 & A22 & \otimes \\ A31 & A32 & A33 \end{pmatrix} is the Jordan normal form of a matrix A which is not diagonalizable. Determine the entries \ast und \otimes.

a \ast = 0 1
a \otimes = 1 0

Since the matrix A is not diagonalizable, we cannot have \ast= 0 = \otimes.

The diagonal entries L1 and (double) L2 are the eigenvalues of A.

The diagonal entries L2 and (double) L1 are the eigenvalues of A.

Due to the non-diagonalizability, the double eigenvalue L2 has a Jordan block of length 2.

Due to the non-diagonalizability, the double eigenvalue L1 has a Jordan block of length 2.

Therefore, it follows that \ast = 0 and \otimes = 1.

Therefore, \ast = 1 and \otimes = 0.